The original Suedbahnhotel Semmering (also called “Hotel Semmering” or “First Suedbahnhotel”) was the 1st Hotel am Semmering at all and was opened in 1882 at the foot of Pinkenkogel Mountain–at precisely 1000 m above sea level. The Suedbahnhotel am Semmering was one of several grand hotels along the Suedbahn route from Vienna to Triest which were commissioned in order to stimulate the tourism in the respective regions and also the Suedbahn route from the privileged K. u. k. Suedbahngesellschaft. Semmering was already easy to reach at this time through the pioneering accomplishment of the Semmering Railways and was consequently expanded to create a popular holiday and spa resort. Semmering was popular with Viennese society as well as with the multi-national guests from all levels of the royal monarchy. Fin de Siècle and Belle Époche are two eras at the end of the 19th century and/or at the beginning of the 20th century which were characteristic for the Suedbahnhotel Semmering, but not just from social-political and sports history perspectives. A section of the Austrian tourism history also had its start here.

“The Suedbahnhotel Semmering is not dead, only asleep!”
This Austrian hotel icone is merely sleeping and currently waiting to be kissed to be awakened. This Grand Dame continues to tell you many stories as well as convey its unique historical patina. The Suedbahnhotel Semmering invites you to an uncomparable time travel embedded in the picturesque landscape of the UNESCO World Heritage Semmering-Railway.

Excellent location and accessibility:

S6 – motorway exit  Semmering/Maria Schutz ~ 5 km

Suedbahn railway – station Semmering ~ 2 km

VIE – Vienna International Airport 103 km (~ 60 Min.)

Airport Graz 119 km (~ 78 Min.)

Airfield Wiener Neustadt East 53 km (~ 34 Min.)

Airfield Voeslau-Kottingbrunn 63 km (~ 38 Min.)


The “Second Suedbahnhotel” has a gross floor area of more than generous 18.000 sqm

The “Second Suedbahnhotel” has 33.014 sqm own land

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